Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tengboche, Nepal, 2011
Limits exist only in our mind.

We have limitless potential as human beings. There isn't anything that you cannot accomplish if you set your intention on it and commit yourself to attaining it.

So why do we set limits for ourselves?

"I can't do headstands", or " I can't do backbends". It is not that you are physically unable to do these things, it is simply your mind telling your body not to do these things.

Our bodies are simply a physical representation of our mind. We must decide the limitations that we will have before we posses them. We fear the unknown, we fear change, and it is through fear that we set limitations for ourselves to protect ourselves from the fear we do not wish to feel. This is self defeating. How can we find our true potential, our most powerful selves it we hold ourselves back? By pushing through our self administered limits we may then find the true limitless potential that we have.

We must chose to let go of our limitations that hinder us to become the person that we are capable of being.

Never give up, always let go.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bird of Paradise- Svarga Dvijasana

Shawna performs Bird of Paradise against a Prairie sunset.                     Photo credit: Nicole Richards
This challenging pose is a beautiful hip opener. It challenges your balance while strengthening both your extended and standing leg.

Although it's tempting to dive head first into this pose, it's best to be patient with your body and slowly allow the pose to unfold.

Here are a series of poses to prepare your body for Bird of Paradise Pose.

Step 1- Warrior II Pose- Virabhadrasana II

From standing in Tadasana step your right foot back 3-4ft. behind. Keep your left foot pointing forward, while rotating your right foot open to the right around 90°. Allow your hips to open to the side and swing your arms open at shoulder level.
Keep your weight over top your hips and evenly distributed on both feet.

Step 2- Extended Side Angle Pose- Utthita Parsvakonasana

 From Warrior II, bring your left elbow down to meet your left bend knee.
Reach your right arm up and over head, actively lengthening your right side.
Keep your chest open to the side.
Sink your hips down.

  Step 3- Bound Extended Side Angle Pose- Baddha Utthita Parsvakonasana

From Extended Side Angle Pose, bring the left arm down to the ground.
Drop your shoulder to the inside of your left leg, reaching your left arm under your leg and behind your back.
Reach behind your back with your right arm and grasp on to your left wrist, binding your leg.
Sink your hips down and keep your chest open by rolling your right shoulder back and down.

Step 4- Bound Triangle Pose- Baddha Trikonasna

From Bound Extended Side Angle Pose gently straighten your left leg. 
This step in the series leading to Bird of Paradise is very important as it allows you to open up the hip and the hamstring at the same time. 
Be patient and take your time at this step

Step 5- Bend knee Bird of Paradise 

From Bound Triangle Pose, gently bend your left knee and hop your left foot back around 2ft., bend your right knee and begin to transfer your body weight onto your right leg.
slowly find your balance and begin to lift your torso and left leg upright.
Keep your chest open and maintain your arm position.

Final Step- Bird of Paradise- Svarga Dvijasana

From Bend knee Bird of Paradise Pose, gently straighten your leg.

Repeat on both sides, and don't forget to SMILE!